Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Remember Annunciata Family & School are still participating in a paper recycling program! We work with ABITIBI Consolidated Recycling Division. This is an easy way for us to raise money while also helping to save the environment. A large green and yellow bin are located next to the St. Vincent de Paul bins. We are asking that EVERYONE keep participating in this easy, ongoing fundraiser. Our profits are determined by the weight of the paper collected, the heavier the bins the more we make. We are asking everyone to drop off your paper items in the bins as often as possible. PAPER ONLY! You can drop off NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, CATALOGS, JUNK MAIL, BOOKS (hard covers removed), SHREDDED PAPER (contained in any type of plastic or paper bag), COPY PAPER, COMPUTER PAPER, ENVELOPES, FOLDERS, ETC. It is okay if paper is stapled, clipped or binded. NO PLASTIC, GLASS, CARDBOARD, or TELEPHONE BOOKS, please! We are very thankful for everyone’s support and participation.